The Spirit of Adventure.
The art of turning malt into liquid gold is something most Master Distillers would say is part science and part magic. No matter how one manipulates the variables in whisky making, there is almost always an element of unpredictability and surprise.
Our brand name, FiftySix Degrees, is a homage to the Scottish Highlands where this fine whisky is distilled. Born from the legacy of finely crafted whiskies that have been fine-tuned to perfection, FiftySix Degrees was made to befit the discerning whisky aficionado. Aged in hand picked bourbon and sherry oak casks, FiftySix Degrees boasts a balanced aroma of soft slightly citrus top notes and a rich malty heart.
Tasting Notes
The Nose
Attractive and soft, with very slight citrus top notes, a richly malty heart with some fudge, and is slightly syrupy with good balance.
The Palate
Fresh and creamy, nicely vibrant without prickle with a pleasant mouth-coating fruitiness developing with time.
The Finish
Soft and balanced, with a mature
and smooth finish.
Our Distiller
Ian Macleod Distillers
With a formidable range of well-known and established brands, Ian Macleod Distillers Ltd is the world's 10th largest Scotch Whisky Company with a daunting reputation for their foresight and innovative thinking. They are the brand proprietor of Glengoyne, Tamdhu, Isle of Skye and Smokehead Scotch whiskies to name a few.
It's founder, Leonard J Russell Sr was a firm believer of independence. His legacy is one that is beholden to no single distiller and he only acquired whiskies that met his exacting standards. Now in its third generation, Ian Macleod Distillers is one of the most widely respected Scottish independent family owned businesses.
Trusting the expertise of a select few, Ian Macleod Distillers have continuously crafted and fine-tuned whiskies that meet traditional stringent standards of quality. Coupled with great foresight and innovative thinking, Ian Macleod Distillers has built a formidable reputation that will carry into many generations forward.